Non Profit Association - Grand Prix Ukraine - GP Ukraine

Non Profit Association

GPUA members programs, projects, courses and practices



We use our revenue and/or capital to achieve our purpose or mission

  • Radical and innovative renewal of the country, creation the points of economic growth and attraction of significant investments, sustainable and comprehensive development of education,sports and human resourses in Ukraine;
  • Shaping the new symbols of faith and spirituality in society, approval of the winner’s philosophy;
  • Creation of appropriate infrastructure in the form of education & sports facilities and complexes, race tracks with world-class equipment and supplies, technology parks, recreational and entertainment, tourist and hotel facilities, media centres, sports and technical television networks and other modern media, media and environment, catering establishments, museums of auto/moto sports and others;
  • Creation of modern auto/moto vehicles for racing;
  • Integration with the world’s motorsports  community ;
  • Organization and holding of world level competitions in motorsports in Ukraine;
  • Organization and  financing the performance of Ukrainian pilots and teams in world races.

Tasks and activities

  • Promoting the development of motorsports by forming the material and technical base for the organization, conduct and development of a series of races in world-class motorsports;
  • Attracting investments, including from international investors for the design, construction, development, operation and maintenance of the life cycle of state-of-the-art motor racing infrastructure; implementation of relevant processes, profile programs and projects;
  • Organization and provision of design, construction and licensing of race tracks that meet the highest modern level;
  • Conducting Formula -1, MotoGP and other series and classes that promote the development of motor sports in Ukraine;
  • Training of human resources in the field of safety, medicine, technical support of sports media;
  • Training of Ukrainian pilots to participate in auto/moto races of relevant series and world-class classes by creating auto/moto schools, training courses, methods and tasks;
  • Organization of participation of Ukrainian pilots and teams in world-class auto/moto competitions;
  • Preparation of a media product, and/or organization of broadcasts on motorsports for distribution in world media networks and in Ukraine;
  • Sale, licensing and distribution of commercial rights to sports and entertainment products, symbols, brands;
  • Ensuring the appropriate level of skill and safety of motorsport.
  • Maintaining a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and friendly relations, openness and mutual respect between athletes, a free exchange of information between members of the Association and athletes from around the world.
  • Organization of scientific, scientific and technical research in order to improve the material and technical base and attract new technologies to achieve better results in sports.
  • Organization of various cultural and mass and physical culture and sports events to promote a healthy and active lifestyle and disseminate information about the activities of the Association.
  • Dissemination of information about motorsports in the media, as well as the creation of the Association, in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine, its own media to disseminate this information.
  • Organization of symposia, conferences, round tables, seminars, workshops, courses, trainings, etc. to share experiences and improve the skills of instructors in motorsports.
  • Members (Participants) of the Association participate in its activities on a voluntary basis.
  • Members (Participants) of the Association can be: legal entities of private law, including public associations with the status of a legal entity, natural persons who have reached 18 years of age and are not recognized by a court as incapable, who take an active position in life, share Association’s  statutory goals and objectives  also make (intend to make) the contribution to realization of the purpose of the Association.
  • Admission of an individual to the members of the Association is carried out on the basis of a personal application. Admission of a legal entity of private law to the members of the Association  is carried out on the basis of an application of a legal entity signed by an authorized person who has the right to represent the legal entity in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The representative of a legal entity of private law participates in the activities of the Association on the basis of the powers defined by the statutory documents or the power of attorney of the legal entity, executed in accordance with current legislation.
  • The application for participation in the Association is considered by the General Meeting of a  body. The decision on adoption is made by the majority of votes of the Association Members present at the General Meeting.
  • The decision to participate in the Association may be made by the Board of the Union in case of formation of this governing body, in the manner prescribed by the Statute.