THE DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM OF THE PROJECT spMotoPark - Grand Prix Ukraine - GP Ukraine


 The spMotoPark project is an original conceptually designed  «National chain of EV auto-moto-gokart Centers  and SIM classrooms»  for education, sports, professional  training, and entertainment with multi-level  reconfigured  indoor  tracks  and /or outdoor  classical circuits in all  26 regional centers of Ukraine including   Kyiv City, the Capital.  It has been creating in the Physical and Digital ecosystems since the middle of 2020.

 The Project has been implementing due to the Sergiy Pisarev’s initiative and with the participation of the Non Profit Association (NPA) Grand Prix Ukraine, GPUA. Its deployment is carrying out by a narrow focused Special Purpose Vehicle company (SPV), endowed with project management functions. This body also is an intellectual property owner and has all land ownership rights, stake in the equity capital of similar  regional projects, facilities operating rights.

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The Digital Ecosystem of the Project (DEC) is a digital twin or projection of the Physical Ecosystem of the Project (PEP) {spMotoPark Physical}

which is composed of

  • multi-level indoor and single-level outdoor racing tracks located on the land plots of territorial communities in all 26 regions of Ukraine,
  • EV vehicles,
  • computer simulators that are part of school classes, educational driving courses and racing practices.

PEP, Indoor track 120х60х15 м


PEP, Outdoor track 2.5 км

PEP, Indoor track, inner space


PEP, computer based drive SIM


The DEC provides the basis for:

  • school teaching and learning on 3D animated graphic programming, AI
  • digital modeling
  • formation and development of “drive culture” i.e. the universe understood as a set of attitudes of human consciousness, behavior, skills, and habits focused on humanitarian and safe behavior in a modern technological transport space and information environment, in the “man-environment-vehicle” system
  • preliminary assessment of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of learning at school and training driving courses
  • study of road conditions, routes, track configurations, sports and special training, etc.


The combination and interaction of physical and digital space allow an exchange of audience, knowledge, experience, and skills between these two worlds in the educational, professional, sports, and marketing cycles. A participant who has shown high results in the digital world today will move tomorrow into the physical world with real vehicles on city streets and/or racing tracks.

The digital ecosystem of the project includes or will include:

  • Original digital models of race tracks with multi-level variable configuration and classic full-size single-level track configuration, digital animated processes (sessions) of driving along city streets, race tracks and off-road driving on realistic vehicle models.   *Transport routes and vehicles  as well as behavior scenarios are created within the project from the scratch. It’s either copies of real world objects/scenarios, or the game-generated worlds. In addition, the construction of a huge number of educational layouts take place, as part of school programs for teaching graphic game programming and modeling

spMotoPark-Kyiv 3D indoor track model


SIM driving on the virtual Chayka track, Kiyv


Kyiv City in the point clouds

Testing track layouts

  • Simulation classes are hosted in:
    • general education schools
    • MotoPark centers
    • Driving schools


* * Today in Ukraine there are about 15 thousand secondary schools, about  650 driving schools, and 26 spMotoPark centers are being designed


  • The cloud training, gaming, and racing services on multiple server platforms which are located on the national territory; these services available to the individual, group, and team members around the world as well. Participants can be both in classrooms and at home, having at their disposal simulator drive platforms and/or using mobile, AR / VR or desktop devices.

  • Social digital network Drult (drive culture) which provides:

social contacts and exchanges, infrastructure for training, courses and driving lessons, extreme and racing practices, sports competitions, fulfillment of home tasks, consultancy services etc. A teacher, trainer, schoolmate, competitor, referee of virtual sessions has the ability to assess it, rank results and conduct various kinds of analytical research, etc.

Social network participants can be anyone who is driving today, learns to do it, or plans to be under the wheel tomorrow.

 Appendix A.

The fundament of the Digital Ecosystem of the Project is the educational and training software and hardware complex Scout, which have to be designed and implemented based on the family of auto simulators for learning, training, formation, and development of drive culture skills.

The complex is a combination of a car simulator with a steering wheel, pedals, gear shifter, curved display (s)  and /or  VR/AR headsets, a powerful graphic gaming workstation with fast internet and software in cloud and local configurations in the form of applications or a social network.

The functionality and use of the complex in a computer-game animated 3D format allows


To Study/to Learn: 

  • the traffic rules and laws
  • the basics of driving/racing/riding vehicles
  • the rules of behavior in extreme and critical road situations
  • the practice of providing first aid in case of accidents on the roads, streets, with the participation of vehicles
  • of how cars of various generations work with an emphasis on electrical technology
  • the basics of designing components and assemblies of modern vehicles using virtual cad/cam technologies up to the exit to CNC machines
  • a methods and tools for creating 3D worlds: design, scripting, animation, programming, and educational and game modeling/prototyping


 To Master:

driving skills

  • on city streets, public roads, highways
  • on the race tracks
  • in rally raids

To Participate:

in races in a playful way, using 3D models of the created Ukrainian tracks, world race tracks and competitive practice

  • individually
  • as part of a group

To Undergo:

Distance and classroom training led by masters

  • Individually
  • as part of a group with the possibility of switching to real training at physical autodromes individually or as part of teams

To Watch:

  • during the course of the race,
  • monitor and evaluate the results
  • own
  • your team
  • rivals

To Form: applications

  • to participate in competitions or events
  • to participate in tours or tournaments
  • for training courses

To rule:

  • own training in a driving school to obtain a driver’s license
  • preparation for passing the exam
  • take a preliminary exam in driving on a simulator

 To Analyze: Test results, errors


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